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Friday, June 1, 2012

Natural Sunburn Remedies

sun burn
Did you have too much fun in the sun this past weekend? Do you look like the proverbial lobster? Does your skin look like my youngest daughter’s back? The one who decided to forgo her rash guard while at the lake.?
When I was a kid we used to slather Noxzema on our sunburns. It did feel nice and cool but it it isn’t the best or most natural thing for your skin. So what do you do when your skin is a bit red?
  • Aloe Vera – I remember when I first discovered this wonderful salve. I was in the Bahamas on Spring Break some 25 years ago  and had fallen asleep on the beach. Ouch! My roommate and I found the aloe Vera gel next to the sunscreen. It was deliciously cool on my fried back of the knees (the one spot I had forgotten to put sunblock on).
  • Lavender Oil – one of my favorite burn remedies. For a serious cooking burn I apply it neat directly to the skin, but for a more widespread burn I like to put it in a spritz bottle with some water and put in the fridge. When you get a little too much sun, simply spritz and enjoy the soothing nature of lavender.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar  - This brings instant cooling relief to the afflicted skin. Spray on the skin or add to a bath
  • Cooling Bath -  Add any of the following to your bath water, lavender, chamomile, apple cider vinegar, baking soda.
  • Water – not on your skin, but in your body, drink it up. when you get a sun burn you end up being dehydrated and it is important to rehydrate your skin.
Do you have a favorite Sunburn Remedy?


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