This Sunday we dropped Peanut off at her first residential camp. I think she was ready. What do you think?
Of course Deacon G had to say goodbye to his peanut.
In other news Pi is coming home on Wednesday. Lots of coming and goes here at Granola Catholic’s House.
Technorati Tags: wordless wednesday
I enjoy reading your blog. Happy WW!
Thanks for stopping by.
I love your pink suitcase :)
We don't do camp here in the UK and I'm glad as it means I don't have to say goodbye! I'm also sad because I think it would be a great experience... am I too old to go to camp?!
Oh, I remember those days...I went to camp until I was old enough to work there and then ended up meeting my husband while working at a summer camp. Lovin' the pink trunk!
Mika- Thanks - she is quite proud of her trunk. Just the perfect size for a peanut like her.
PippaD- This is my 11 year old's first away camp, she has done day camps before. It is great experience. She is learning lots since it is a Science and Arts Academy Camp, she is having fun, making memories, and making new friends.
Jenny, Funny I met my husband at camp too. I did not work with him though, because it was a Boy Scout Camp, however he was my Brother's Boss. I guess we were fated to meet.
I love the trunk. I hope I am brave enough one day to send J3 to camp. I wish the diocese would create a camp for children.
She totally looks ready - love that pink trunk!! :)
WW: Princess Nagger Visits the Devonian Fossil Gorge
That pink trunk is one of her favorite thrift shop finds. She got it last year and had to have it. It was perfect for camp. I saw many kids with multiple suit cases and she was ready with just one trunk.
Pam - I am sure when the time is right you will be able to send J3 off to camp. Peanut is 11 and was so ready. Other than being tired she sounds like she is having fun. Got a chance to talk to her last night before lights out.
She does look ready! Happy camping! Happy belated WW!
Stephanie~Good Girl Gone Green
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