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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Coconut Oil in the Bathroom?


Okay I will admit it I am slow to start using coconut oil. While I have know of the some of the benefits of coconut oil for some time now. However because I am NOT a fan the taste of coconut I have been reluctant to try it. Much to my surprise I discovered that Unrefined Coconut Oil has little to no taste. If I had to describe the smell or taste I would have to say it smells more nutty than anything.
I have yet to use my coconut oil for cooking yet, but that is because I have found so many uses for it in the Bathroom. Yes, you read that right, the bathroom.
  • coconut oil can be used on skin irritations, such as eczema, psoriasis, burns, cuts and scrapes. Simply apply it 2-3 times a day as you would lotion, you can even take a couple of teaspoons orally to help it out.
  • I like to use it my hair, as a styling aid. Just a smaller than a pea amount between your hands and smooth away those flyaway, so important in the winter.
  • Athlete’s foot – do you work out at  gym? Have teenagers? Then you know the hazards of athlete’s foot. Put the coconut oil on your feet after before you put your socks on, bonus your feet will get nice and soft.
  • Make up remover, because it is an oil it will safely and gently remove your make up for you. Mix it with some honey for a double dose of goodness.
  • Use it as a deodorant. Crunchy Betty has a great recipe on her site.
  • You can use it as a tooth paste, here is a real easy recipe I hope to try soon.  Best part is you don’t have to worry about any nasty ingredients in your toothpaste, like tricololsan or sodium lauryl sulfate.

Do you use coconut oil in your bathroom? What is your favorite use for it?

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Sarah Harkins said...

Why haven't I read your blog before? Coconut oil is the bomb. I have a 5lb bucket of Tropical Traditions virgin coconut oil. I have been wanting to make my own deodorant- I think I'll do it tomorrow. And I see your wrote on giving up sugar. We have done that too. I feel so much better!

Annie at Haphazard Homestead said...

Hi, Lisa. Just wanted to let you know that I have a new blog and I hope you'll check it out.

I've known about coconut oil for while, but it's just been this month that I've really got on board with it, not just in the kitchen, but in the bathroom, too.

We just started using it for toothpaste this week. We're just using coconut oil and baking flavorings or sweeteners. We don't like the sweet aftertaste of regular toothpaste. We like the coconut concoction better than any regular toothpaste we've tried.

Lisa - the Granola Catholic said...

Annie, I have had the coconut oil now for a about 3 months but just got around to using it. Now it is on my shipping list for 2 more jars.

Charise @ I Thought I Knew Mama said...

I use it as face wash and as a spot treatment on blemishes :-)

Thanks for linking up at the Green & Natural Mamas Linky!

Good Girl Gone Green said...

Thanks Lisa.I love coconut oil!

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