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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pretty Happy Funny Real


Today I am joining in with the ladies over at Like Mother Like Daughter.
A lot has gone on here this week. It hardly seems like Easter was just less than a week ago.  With the longer days we have not slowed down one bit. Literally, my Pi got up at 2:30 Friday morning to make coffee to watch the in her words “once in a life time fairy tale wedding event of the century”  In other words the royal wedding. Pi wide awake w/coffee - Peanut up but not awake


In the romantic spirit we went and got my wedding album. Yes that IS me!  So glad my hairdresser  had the forethought to do a classic hairstyle and nothing that screams a decade.
Lisa bride


The birthBirthday Boy day boy looked Happy despite the 5am wake up to see the wedding, and yes, believe it or not he was just as excited as his sisters to see it. He LOVES castles and cathedrals, and apparently kisses quote ‘I want to see the kiss. That is the most special thing”. Who knew I had a romantic for a son?  His future wife will be one very lucky lady indeed.


I just had to include this picture of Peanut. She is just bouncy happy.


IMG_3709Pumpkin was inspired by seeing the Cathedrals and Castles in London so he decided to build his own. He spend over 40 minutes meticulously building them. He even asked me to take a picture.

Then he knocked them down with tanks and airplanes,.IMG_3712


Dh, had tired some new yogurt lemon  the other night. Lets say it just has a bit of a puckery taste. Thanks to Peanut for capturing this photo.

1 comment:

Patty said...

You looked beautiful as a bride!

Love the lemon face :)

I got up for the wedding, too!

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